2011年1月20日 星期四

IAT posts

I took the weight IAT
This IAT requires the ability to distinguish faces of people who are obese and people who are thin. It often reveals an automatic preference for thin people relative to fat people.
The result is:
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Thin People compared to Fat People.
I find it shows what I am really thinking in my mind, what I want and what I prefer.
While I am doing the test, when good words associate with fat people and bad words associate with  thin people or good words associate with thin people and bad words associate with fat people, I have to keep telling myself, "fat is good or thin is bad" in order to press the keyboard as fast as possible. However, once I finished the test, it does not have any effect on my preference on fat and thin people. I do not want to judge that if the test is really scientific and accurate or not, but I completely agree with the result.

I took age IAT as well
This IAT requires the ability to distinguish old from young faces. This test often indicates that Americans have automatic preference for young over old.
The result is:
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Young compared to Old.
This is true. I really prefer young more compared to old. Actually, I think not only American have automatic preference for young over old, everyone from other races prefer young as well. Certainly, it is because old means aging, weak and death. So I think the test is useless and reflects nothing.

For both tests:
Although these tests are telling us something we already know or agree with, it has some science in them. When I do the test, for example, I may get the wrong answer more easily when fat people associate with good words, or it may take longer for me to think about it. So when thin people are associated with good words, I can answer faster and more accurate. Which means I think thin is always better subconsciously, so it can tell I perfer thin more. I think that is how the result is evaluated.

3 則留言:

  1. 9/10
    Response needed to discuss your results a bit more thoroughly and what you think they meant.

  2. So what do I think the result mean?
    For the wieght IAT, the result shows that I am totally a pro-thin and anti-fat person becasue it says "strong automatic preference for Thin People compared to Fat People". Although I agree with the result, one thing needs to pay attention is that the preference is only for myself, which means I perfer I am a super thin over fat. But for others, I would not dislike or discriminate if my friends are super fat or obese. In other words, I just care about my body shape and how the clothes look on me. I find out one interesting thing after I moved to the US from China. My standard or definition of fat changed slightly. I used to think I am ugly becasue I am fat when I was in China. However, I am satisfied with my weight right now in the US. Since American is generally fatter than Chinese,I am not that fat compared to others. Therefore, the surroundings or the society really can cahnge someone's understanding towards things subconsciously. the more fat people I meet, the less harsher I control my weight.
